Scott Corron, Principal and Founder
Scott is a twenty-five-year veteran of the medical industry throughout the United Statess and abroad, and an expert marketing, management and product development leader in cardiovascular, resuscitative, and tactical medical devices and assays. In addition to extensive medical experiences, With an architectural education from Rice University informing his creative eye, As an Excutive Producer, Scott applies photography, cinematography production, and marketing expertise to produce captivating visuals and compelling narratives.  With an extensive background in medical sales, product development, marketing, architectural and government projects, Scott makes the essence of any project, company, product or concept compelling to any viewer.

Scott Corron and Medicus Rescue companies have participated and presented medical technologies and market assessments at cardiovascular mechanical circulatory support conferences, emergency medicine and trauma conferences, and military and tactical medicine conferences including: International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO Poland, SOMA-Special Operations Medical Association, Warrior East, EMS World, OilComm, the Workboat Show, the American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions, the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, and the Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Sessions..  

Prior to a career in cardiology diagnostic devices, Scott worked in patient relations and risk management as a patient advocate and representative at Hermann Hospital, a Level 1 Trauma Center, while studying medical ethics and the doctor-patient relationship at The University of Texas School of Public Heatlh at Houston.  During the early 1990s, Scott served the Prudential Insurance Company with Prudential Psychiatric Management.  As a regular motivational speaker, Scott is a national advocate for CPR education and AED placement in public venues.  Scott conceptualized an initiative that was to be the first of its kind in the United States, to place AEDs in an outdoor park setting in Houston's Memorial Park.  As a cardiac arrest survivor, Scott lobbied on behalf of a House Bill initiative for protection of those who choose to utilize a life-saving AED.  Working with Congressman Pete Olson, the Cardiac Arrest Survival Act of 2013 H.R. 2135 was sponsored to approach a uniform base of liability protection for businesses that acquire AEDs and the Good Samaritans who choose to use them.  Scott has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Rice University, 1988, and studied Public Health and Medical Ethics at the University of Texas School of Public Health in Houston.

As a Rice Alumni Volunteer Admissions (RAVA) interviewer Scott has served for nearly a decade interviewing senior high school prospective students who seek undergraduate admission to Rice University.

As a photographer, graphic artist, and architectural advisor, Scott Corron's career portfolio of clients includes restaurants, physician offices, public parks, magazine editorial covers and story photography, breaking news and sports, and both military and private aviation projects. 

Bryan Lynch, Chief Medical and Aviation Technology Advisor
Bryan has been designing systems and medical devices for over 30 years. As a design engineer at RADX Technology in Houston he designed large device enclosures and x-ray viewing and storage systems and learned the details of custom manufacturing. At Komet Medical, in Savannah, GA, he designed hard tissue cutting systems used for hip and knee implants and became Director of Marketing and Product Development and managed a national sales force.  In 1997 Bryan became VP of Operations and one of the founders of MicroMed Technology developing one the industry's first left ventricular assist devices, the DeBakey VAD, as part of a technology transfer from NASA and Baylor College of Medicine.  This device was the 2002 NASA Invention of the Year.    Mr. Lynch has continued in the LVAD industry founding ReliantHeart and transforming the technology developed at MicroMed into the most technologically advanced mechanical circulatory support device (LVAD) on the market.  ReliantHeart is an ISO 13485 and IEC 62304 compliant manufacturer of life supporting medical devices.    Bryan has nine patents, eight in the mechanical circulatory support field.  Mr. Lynch is an active pilot with over 2000 hours in high performance aircraft and he is President and CEO of Explorer Aircraft, Inc. who developed a turboprop powered composite utility aircraft.  The prototype has over 500 flight hours and is now being engineered for production at Scion Aviation in Ft. Collins, CO.    The Explorer 500T is included in the February, 2021 NASA whitepaper on Regional Air Mobility and Transportation as a Service, a newly labeled megatrend.

Education: Texas Tech University, Bachelor of Science in Engineering, 1983. 
Texas Christian University, Masters in Business Administration, 1987. 

Camryn Corron, Editor, Digital Media & Marketing Publications
Camryn Corron is a graduate of Kinder School for the Visual and Peforming Arts.  Camryn is sophmore studying digital media and marketing at Fordham University in New York, New York.   

Shane Iversen, Government and Military Technical Advisor and Liaison.
Shane M. Iversen, Tactical Training Coordinator and Special Operations Sales Engineer- is Senior Manager/Owner and Lead Instructor for Valkyrie Training Solutions. He has over 25 years military experience as well as 11 years as a Dallas Police Officer. He started his military career in the US Marines where he served as a mortar man, Forward Observer and Scout Sniper. In 1992 he began his career in Army Special Forces as a Weapons Sergeant and most recently retired from the 19th Special Forces as a Team Sergeant. Since September 11, 2001, Shane has had multiple combat tours with the Army in both Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as worked as a contractor for various US Government Agencies culminating in eight years of service as a Global Response Staff Agent for the Central Intelligence Agency. His extensive experience training and leading both U. S. and foreign military and Law Enforcement personnel brings a unique and firsthand knowledge of the latest Tactics, Techniques and Procedures being used in the War on Terror. He has received a wide variety of training from Military, Federal and local Law Enforcement agencies and has received instructor certifications as U.S.M.C. Primary Marksmanship Instructor, CSAT in Nacogdoches Tactical Rifle/Pistol Instructor, Dallas Police Department Mobile Field Force and Defensive Tactics Instructor and National Rifle Association Firearms Instructor Certification. He has attended numerous training courses at Blackwater USA, Tiger Swan and Texas Pistol and Rifle Academy.

William "Kirk" Kuykendall, J.D. - Medical Legal Counsel William H. "Kirk" Kuykendall is has engaged in the private practice of law representing clients in medical, legal, administrative, and litigation matters.  Prior to engaging in private practice, Mr. Kuykendall acquired professional experience as a member of the University of Texas System Office of General Counsel, the State of Texas Office of the Attorney General, and the Galveston County Criminal District Attorney¹s Office.  From 1996 until 2009, Mr. Kuykendall served on the Austin Travis County Federally Qualified Health Center Board of Directors. In 2008 that entity was succeeded by the Central Texas Community Health Centers a/k/a CommUnityCare. From 2009 until his appointment with the Central Health Board of Managers, Mr. Kuykendall served as a member of CommUnityCare Board of Directors, and most recently as the vice-chair of that body.  Mr. Kuykendall has a diverse history of service with various civic and community organizations, including the Texas State Board of Barber Examiners (Chairman), the Interim Austin Hospital Authority Board of Directors (Chairman), Brackenridge Hospital Board of Directors, St. David¹s Hospital Health Care Foundation, Capital City African American Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Occupational Industrial Centers of Austin Board of Directors, among others. He is also the recipient of the City of Austin Certificate of Appreciation (10 years of service) and the City of Austin Distinguished Service Award (1996).  In 1982, Mr. Kuykendall received his J.D. from Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he also completed his B.S. in business administration.

M. Jennings Edney III –Principal
Jennings has over 25 years of medical industry sales and marketing expertise including extensive medical office and surgical equipment experience and implantable medical devices. Specifically, he has considerable experience with cardiology products, imaging services, ambulatory services and disposable medical product lines in a variety of clinical and surgical environments.  His qualifications include developing relationships with physician customers and hospitals, training surgical staff and physicians, as well as developing protocols and proficiencies in healthcare from a profitable business perspective.  Mr. Edney has achieved top ranking sales revenues in multi-million dollar territories for several multi-billion dollar healthcare companies including PSS and Medtronic.  Mr. Edney has a Bachelor of Arts from Florida State Univerisity.

David Gregory - Sales and Marketing Consultant, Southeastern United States
David Gregory has over 20 years experience in marketing and sales in the physician office and hospital space, in cardiology, internal medicine, family practice and gasterointerology.   David has been a sales leader and won numerous national sales awards for the companies he represents.



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